I started puking my guts out on Thursday morning at 3am. I'm only starting to feel normal today.
It's interesting when you feel so nauseated, you have to turn away from the food commercials on TV. And there are plenty of commercials. Deep fried pizza! Shrimp in mayonnaise sauce! O my god.
It's also interesting what you start to crave when you bounce back from illness. Usually for me it's chicken nuggets, but this time it was oatmeal cookies.
I made healthy oatmeal cookies. Yum.
Oh! And the newest member of the household, furniture category: the fabled tulip table,
as conceptualized by Ikea and obtained secondhand in Bay Ridge. So lovely. So very lovely.
The old table is on its side in the living room. Before moving it, I sat on it one last time. It is a good, sturdy table, kind of an '80s country-kitchen style, butcher block with white molded legs. My dad took me to Macy's on Long Island and I bought it for my first apartment thirteen years ago. I learned to play guitar sitting on that kitchen table! For a few years it was in custody of a friend, and during that time one of the chairs was broken in a household incident. I had sex on the table only once, but it was a good one.
Bye-bye, table. You've been a good table.