
You Know Who's Got Hands?

This has been an exceptionally stressful week even by the standards of all the stressful weeks preceding it.

What better time to finally see "Walk Hard!"

The first time ¡J! and I saw it, we kept exchanging glances across the couch, witnessing one crazy-ass scene unfold after another. Ohthatissosillynoway. Ohgoodgrief.

There is a cumulative effect of such thoughts. About halfway through the movie I hit the breaking point. I pitched forward and started howling and haven't stopped since.

This is my favorite scene, I think:

I feel like like a 14-year-old who just discovered Monty Python.

Now, when things get bad, I beg ¡J! to put the movie on and play some scenes. It's the only thing that sets the world right.

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