
Just a Note

There are about 2 months in early 2005 I hardly remember at all; they're a kaleidoscope of colors and feelings.

I think a lot now about how kind people were to me. Unbelievably kind. Calling and checking up. Inviting me out for eggs. Having a drink. Listening to me rant. God knows what I must have said.

During that black hole period I received the best piece of advice ever, thanks to my friend Alex: "Just be careful -- you're very out of it -- look both ways before you cross the street."

Sometimes I find random stuff in the apartment. Who gave me that Judee Sill record? Dan was that you? It's a blur. I'm really enjoying it.

I can only hope to show the same loving kindness to others when they need it.

Thank you -- You know who you are!


Anonymous said...

If it's a Rhino Handmade CD, I believe I got it for you one birthday.

I certainly can't remember the provenance of a lot of the CDs in my apt.

Anonymous said...

I left some random stuff around the apartment the other day.

Erica said...

Yes, I know: The contents of your stomach!

Rebecca said...

Oh, hello, it's RT. I'm "tagging" you. Read my last blog post which will explain. The original tag came from Paula. You *totally* don't have to respond if you do not want. Much love, RT