
A Very Strange and Scary Thing Happened to Me Last Night (A Cautionary Tale)

I usually don't disseminate scary stories and say "tell ten friends," but for what it's worth, this scary thing happened to me and I don't want it to happen to you.

I came home last night and the front right burner of my stove was on high. Large blue flame. I don't know how long it had been on.

As far as I can guess, Saro (feline) probably had been walking along the edge of the stove, and her foot must have slipped and turned on the knob.

I have a circa-1950 Welbit stove -- not too unusual in NYC. The knobs lie flat, not vertical, in the off position, and to turn them on you turn clockwise. No safety features.

Nobody was injured. I find it miraculous that Saro didn't get burned, or that I didn't have an extremely dangerous gas leak.

From now on I'm going to keep the knobs off, and pop them back on only when I'm cooking.

The saints have spared us again. Thanks, kids.

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